Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday, Nov. 18th, 2008 @10:56am

Another tough day and night. Another 2 hours of sleep. Getting more tired now. JoLinda is moving with agitation almost the entire day and night now. Meds. not working to calm her. Still is wanting out of bed and to sit up or get into another position. She had been unrestrained for 1 and 1/2 days, but got yesturday morning and afternoon to be aggressively trying to pull out trake, feeding tube, and every other tube she has. Doesn't understand that she needs them and that it will cause great pain. She did give me 3 kisses on the cheek throughout the morning. Sometimes so agitated that I have to get into bed with her to hold her and lower her heart rate by her relaxing. Just going down to get something to eat. Talk to you all later, Laurie

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