Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 7:34am

Goodmorning everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. JoLinda is doing fine. She seems to be remembering a little bit more each day. It is coming very slowly though. Her medicines still take a tole on her as she gets tired and dizzy from them. I think she is tired from the accident too, but the meds don't help that. She is still very nervous to do things on her own, like shopping for food or anything out with people around. Something we will just have to keep working on. We are still taking walks and she has her eating under control now. She is starting to lose the weight she has put on over the past 6 months. Brenton, Tami and Lily have moved in while they look for their own place. They have felt the need to be here helping with JoLinda since the accident. I am so glad they are here. I think Brenton will really help take a ton off of Rich and I in the Real Estate Business. Just in time for Jovi and Beau to get out of school next week. JoLinda is doing a lot more reading and has started writing in her journal. She is also trying to stay away from the t.v. which isn't good for the brain. Movies with a longer story line, the doctor says is o.k. We are still working on her anger issues, but they seem to be getting better. She is also getting closer to her Heavenly Father, and is enjoying going to church each week. I am so excited for her. Well, we would love to hear from you all, so keep in touch. Love ya, Laurie