Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, Nov. 13th, 2008 @12:21pm

Well today started off on a rough note. I was able to sleep on the floor in JoLinda's room, and see that everything was o.k. But, when I decided to get up for the day, JoLinda had completely stopped moving. Apparently, during the night, without telling me, they let JoLinda breath room temp. air. She was doing o.k. I guess, but her oxygen level to me was low. She had a temp. this and was given tylonol to reduce the fever and we figure it will help with the pain. They are not giving her anything still for the pain of surgery. I don't get that! She was not responsive at all. I couldn't get her to even open her eye. She completely stopped moving. So, 4 nurses came in to check on her and decided not to wait on bathing her and getting her into a better position to see if they couldn't stimulate her brain. That all worked. They washed her hair and even french braided it. She is more swollen than ever. Hopefully it will go down soon. PT is working with her 2 times a day, but she is still not awake. Talk to you all soon. Laurie

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