Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday, Nov. 14, 2008 @2:55pm

Great news! JoLinda is starting to wake up! She of course will come and go with it, but I'm going to take it when I can. For a few minutes, JoLinda was shaking her head yes when I asked her a question. She also did it for a nurse. A nurse asked her if she would do "thumbs up" and she tried to do both hands, they shook but she moved both of them about 1/2 way up. So he asked her if she would wiggle her fingers, and she did. Her pupils look so much better, as she is even opening the one with the stitch. She is following me with her eyes from one side of the room to the next. Uncle Vern gave her another blessing. I'm feeling really good about things today. Thanks everyone for your prayers. Laurie


Dick and Gloria said...

Great news, Laurie!! This is a great way to be kept updated. We check it every evening!! Our love and best to you guys!!

JoLindaDavis said...

Thanks guys. We love and miss you! Laurie

Boyd said...

Sounds like she's doing great! We love you and want you to know that Coldwell Banker will do everything we can to help in any way.
Stay strong!!!

JoLindaDavis said...

Thanks Boyd. We appreciate everything! Laurie