Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tue. Dec. 9th, 2008 @ 3:45pm

Finally the wires are out. I came to the hospital at 7:20am and they kept changing the time on me. They came & got JoLinda at 1:00pm and she was back in her room by 3:00pm. IV is out and so is the oxygen. She was given some pain medicine and now she is asleep. She did great last night without a sitter from 11-7. Didn't do much therapy today. I think she knew something was up and wouldn't do anything. Very confused and yelled a lot. She wanted water and I couldn't give her anything because of the surgery. After the surgery she had 2 different drinks though and she will have a swallowing test tonight. If she passes, she gets to have thicker drinks and then soft foods-jello, pudding and the like. I'm glad to have all tubes out of her and hope this will speed up her recovery. Thanks everyone for your prayers, Laurie

1 comment:

The Almonds said...

That is so exciting. Now that those extra tubes are removed she will continue to HEAL fast. We are so happy to hear that she is doing better for the most part. I bet that first drink tasted so good to her. We are always thinking of you both. And I know for me you were a great example of strength in situations like we were in. Keep in touch! We will keep praying!
Rachel Martin (friends from floor #5)