Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday, Jan. 8th 2009, @ 7:50am

JoLinda's CT scan went well yesterday. She was a little nervous that something would hurt, but she did great. It was different to see the igages of the screws and plates in her face. Especially the jaw. Afterward she was able to see it. She got weak, & I don't think she liked it very well. Still unable to remember any of it, I think it makes it too real for her. She is still stubborn and not wanting to do anything as far as excercising or word search or sudoku and simple housework. She does now what I make her do. I am concerned about her headaches and hope they don't continue. I know what ever I can get her to do will only help her get better. She did 12 min. on the stationary bike yesterday and a few word search words. She also helped me cook dinner last night. Little by little I'm trying to keep her active. I know deep down that is what she would want me to do. She still is not oriented to place. Thinks there is another St. George and etc. I hope that comes soom. I seem to be getting more down all the time. Almost to a depression mode. Maybe I've been there for a long time, but it's definately getting worse. Doesn't seem to be any laughter in my home - nothing to laugh about. Don't know how we will ever pay for her bills and ours at the same time. She thinks she is still working and going to school and is a busy person. Getting hard to constantly hear such fantasy life. I feel like a broken record. Anyway, I'm still trying to keep my head up and hold everything together with myself, JoLinda, and the rest of my family. One minute at a time. Love you all, Laurie


Momo said...

Happy Birthday Laurie

I still have you all in my prayers. This is a very tedious and tiring time you are going through, so you need to find some way to be good to yourself. When the patient is out of the critical stage and yet there is so much more healing to be done and it seems to be going so slowly - this is the time for the fatigue and discouragement to set in for you. So hard.

The laughter (or lack of it) is a key issue. I remember when a friend of mine in high school was in a car accident - her mother said at one point she couldn't imagine ever laughing again. She of course got past that, but laughing helps us heal and relieves lots of pressure - besides just giving us a break.

How about renting some funny movies? Funny videos on U Tube?

God bless you and your family.


Teresa said...

Happy Birthday Laurie! You all have been through so much I'm sure there will be some down days. Hang in there!I was wondering if Jolinda would qualify for any finance assistance through the hospital, here in Montana they have programs like that...just contact financial aid dept in that hospital. Hey 43 is not old!If you would like to chat I have left my phone # & email in prior comments that I have posted on here.Happy Birthday and hang in ther! Spring is just around the corner! Love Teresa

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie,
Happy birthday my friend, I hope you took my advice to take time for yourself.You deserve it,go for a walk even for ten minutes and breathe, even the short time by yourself will revive your soul.My prayers and thoughts are always with you and your family. Remember time heals and I know it will with your lovely daughter. with much love. diann chatwin